night and day sweatshops

Making Things.


me and the emmy thing

me and the emmy thing
Originally uploaded by low rent princess.

my freakin emmy

my freakin emmy
Originally uploaded by low rent princess.


Originally uploaded by low rent princess.

me and sam pollard

me and sam pollard
Originally uploaded by low rent princess.

me and Karin

Lila and Karin
Originally uploaded by low rent princess.

my dress.

Lila's dress.
Originally uploaded by low rent princess.


:: I Like Killing Flies ::

:: I Like Killing Flies ::i like this movie. i worked on it. the filmmaker is a really down to earth guy and his work is awesome. I feel compelled to support down to earth filmmakers especially because, believe me, I have seen some major primadonna action and it gets really ugly aand boring.

But Matt Mahurin's "I like Killing Flies" is hardly ugly or boring. Its full of character and food and philosophies.