night and day sweatshops

Making Things.


So Freakin Tired

I am so tired from running around that I'm not even nervous about today's screening, which my father cant help but remind me every two seconds, is on superbowl sunday. "If people don't show up, you know there is a reason."

I'm sure I'm not nervous yet because it's only 8:45 am. Yesterday morning I had a freak out. I'm trying to be such a tough cookie. But when I went to the tailor, and my pants werent ready, I just couldnt take it anymore.

Nathalie and Damon brought me tissues and water, and I took some Kava Kava, and we went to Boogaloo's for breakfast. Tofu scramble with peanut ginger sauce, spinach and basil.

yummy cure for the freak outs.


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