night and day sweatshops

Making Things.


Douce Plays The Stone April 22

The Stone Calendar

The Stone is John Zorn's new nonprofit venue that he opened this month, dedicated to the avant guarde and experimental.

Musicians get all thhe money from the door, and they dont sell drinks or merchandise. It is purely a place to go hear music, in a space where musicians are actually getting paid for what they do.

So Douce(Gisburg and Phil Painson), who made the original score for "High Life" is playing at The Stone this Friday April 22 at 8pm. It costs 10 bucks, and the place is located on the corner of Ave C and 2nd street.

This may be the last chance to see them play in the states. They are moving to Berlin in May! I will miss them, but definately wish them the best of luck!

Come on Down!


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